Soft drummer is now available in the App Store

Soft Drummer is the closest thing to a pro session subtle drummer in your pocket. Easy to use and fast, it’s much more than a drum machine because it can improvise musically with the most pure acoustic drumming sound, played with brushes, hot rods and hands, giving warmest grooves for jazz, soft pop, ballads, latin, etc…

Soft drummer is available with new fresh features.

* Live Pads. Assign rhythms and jam intensity to the pads and change between them by pressing or midi notes. Also allows to create fills on the way, start, stop, intro, end, etc…
* Ableton Link Sync.
* Improved Jam Mode with more control about the components to create variations.
* New user interface provides flexibility to assign two different modes on the iPad screen.
* Effects On / Off buttons on main screen.
* Midi controls for Select Song and Start / Stop.

39 responses to “Soft drummer is now available in the App Store”

  1. Patrick Avatar


    Can you add fill in buttons to your super metronome. I would buy the app if I can use it as a drum machine with fill in features. I want to replace my Alesis SR 16 drum machine. Can you guide my in the right direction?

    1. lumbeat Avatar

      SuperMetronome is designed to be a cool practice tool. The fills are outside the scope of this app. So if you need more features go for Funk, Soft Drummer or RDM

  2. Joe Tunon Avatar

    I can’t seem to sync Auria with any of your apps. Do you know how to do this? Your apps sync with Multitrack DAW just fine, and I see settings for Auria in the MIDI section, but I cannot start Soft Drummer, for instance, from Auria, or start Auria from Soft Drummer. Can you help?


    1. Joe Tunon Avatar

      Update: I cannot get Soft Drummer to record in either Multitrack DAW or Auria with IAA. Please help, as Soft Drummer has become my favorite of all!

    2. lumbeat Avatar

      Soft Drummer doesn’t support IAA for the moment. Try to use audiobus and Ableton Link for sync.

    3. LumBeat Avatar

      Hi Joe, a little update for Soft Drummer is on the way and it will solve this issue

  3. crony Avatar

    Sorry, but there’s no mail to contact anywhere…
    Soft drummer constantly crash used as IAA (with AUM) I can’t load it anymore as soon as there’s different apps used with AUM.
    It’s in fact worse than that, as it is crashing all IAA apps…I have to reboot the iPad.
    Also I noticed it constantly send the clock as soon as it is launched (seems normal as it must be in sync…) but it’s far more active than any other apps of this kind.
    I failed to use it with midi, the start/stop (with G2 note) is not responding.
    It works for all the other apps I’m using (Patterning, Elastic Drums, Sector, and even a hardware step sequencer)

    If you add the problem with Link that set the tempo to 88 no matter what other Links app are doing, it makes this app unusable at the moment live…
    Seems that it needs a bit of polishing as it’s a great app, with a great sound and swing 🙂
    Hope you’ll fix this soon.

    1. lumbeat Avatar

      Soft Drummer doesn’t support Inter-App. Please, use audiobus and Ableton Link for sync. We are working on the other apps updates and Soft Drummer will get an update after all others get the new features.

      1. Dave Simmons Avatar
        Dave Simmons

        I’ve just purchased this cool sounding … but sadly – in its practical sense – seemingly questionable and use limited App. Question Luis Lumbeat : Why , why, why develop a great sounding Jazz Brush App , delivering as much variation in fills etc as anyone would ever ever need , plus with a beautifully human ” perfect imperfection ” groove – WHEN, AS FAR AS I CAN ASSUME – IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO SAVE / RECORD AND EXPORT SONGS AS WAV OR MP3 OR MIDI FILES. Unless you purchase Abelton live or Audiobus. This is a one legged App . From posts I read I also get the feeling that it is unreliable. Hey I purchased it anyway – if I can actually get its to work, if need be I’ll bung a mic straight in front of my studio monitors and see what I can get that way. I also purchased Audiobus but don’t for the life of me know how that fits in to Soft Drummer, how to route it to Soft drummer and exactly what it actually does. Do I care anymore ? No.

  4. Dan Rowe Avatar
    Dan Rowe

    Hi; Love your new Soft Drummer on my iPad. After loading it and using it for about 10 minutes it crashes with an extremely loud white noise sound and I have to close it and reload it to clear.
    I am on a 3rd gen iPad 30pin connected to a Behringer dock. I really hope you can clear this with an update to the software because this is the best drum app I’ve ever tried.

    Dan Rowe

    1. LumBeat Avatar

      We didn’t hear anything like this before. Still getting this error?

      1. Dan Rowe Avatar
        Dan Rowe

        still happening 🙁 I’ve tried some troubleshooting with different settings. Even unplugged the USB from the iStudio to the computer. Same thing. Also tried using it with Audiobus with the same result. I suspect it has to do with the interaction with the dock’s firmware but who knows.
        I plan on testing it without the dock sometime to confirm.

  5. JG Avatar

    Hello. I recently purchased Soft Drummer and I’m pleased. Great work. I’m having a bit of a challenge finding how to change time signatures as well as how to import saved patterns into Auria. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
    Thank you.

    1. LumBeat Avatar

      Press “New Groove” and you can set the time signature. Use audiobus to record into Auria.

  6. Julian Avatar

    The best drummer ever !!!!
    Thanks so much man!!

    Question: do you have any palns to upgarde the other apps with “ableton Link” ?

    Best Regards

    1. LumBeat Avatar

      We are working on it, thanks !

      1. Rusty Perez Avatar

        As always, your apps keep getting better and better! I’m so excited to go and buy Soft Drummer. In the future, I would love to have some auxiliary percussion in soft drummer. Tambourine, congas, maybe even a cajon kit in here. I LOVE THE DEMOS. going to buy it now! 🙂

  7. blenet Avatar


    Thx for the apps which sounds nice, and really nice for live performance.
    I try to use it with my ENGL footswitch , but unfortunatly, using a midi mapper (midi flow), it does not answer to any note. While the same is OK with drum machine DM1 using the same configuration.
    It appears for example that when I use my midi piano, the start is on G0 note and not G2. but still does not work with by medal board with mapping prg Change to note off/note on.
    What do you recommend to make it works ?

  8. Bernie Avatar


    I just purchased Soft Drummer.
    Thanks for a wonderful app!

    As I don’t have an iPad yet, I’m currently running it on my iPhone 4s. The trouble is that most screen pages don’t resize to the phone’s screen (mostly for width), thus some functions are actually beyond the screen and inaccessible. (I’d be happy to send you a couple of pics to show the issue…)

    I understand if it would be a hassle to have the pages resize for such a small screen and an older iPhone model at that. But could you at least allow the page to scroll so I can see and access the functions that are beyond my screen?

    Many thanks

  9. jm blenet Avatar
    jm blenet

    for sure there is a problem in the midi filter installed in the app. it his not able to select one of the midi source available it mixes programm change and notes when you use a virtual midi source.
    all other apps are running well (keyboard synth, dm1, music studio…)
    expecting support from lumbeat for few weeks….nothing happens….
    hope i will tet suppor i bought 2 apps…
    best regards

  10. Steve Estes Avatar
    Steve Estes

    Soft drummer will not start when I push play on audiobus. Wha am I missing?

    1. LumBeat Avatar

      Update is on the way

  11. jeremy Avatar

    Are there any video’s other than the one I see that go step by step thru the program?

  12. Antoine Avatar

    Just bought soft drummer.
    Good stuff, but please post some tuto or manual :
    For example i need, as guitar singer live, to use it with a midi pedal like my irig blueboard.
    How do i map ?
    If i want to use it with external Looper with midi sync, How do i do ?
    Why don’t put a midi learn ? (Like In loopy or other stuff)
    Anyway i need it for live use and foot control and really need help.

  13. Bob Avatar

    Hi, I want to use this live , what about some kind of pedal support?

    1. LumBeat Avatar

      It can be controlled by midi. Choose a pedal to send these midi messages:

      Midi Note G2: Play / Stop
      Midi Program Change: SoundSet
      Midi CC 0: Bank
      Midi CC 7: Master Volume
      Midi CC 11: Swing
      Midi CC 32: Rhythm
      Midi CC 91: Reverb Gain

      — Live Pad Midi Controls:
      C3 to G3 : Select Pad
      C2: Fill
      D2: Fill for the next Pad change
      E2: Fill for every Pad change
      A2: Fill & Start / End.

      – Song Mode Controls:
      Midi Note A2: Preview Song
      Midi Note D2: Next Song

      1. marc_a2z Avatar

        great sounding organic beats but doesnt respond to midi pedals

      2. roberto Avatar

        I haven’t yet bought the app, but i’m interested to buy it.
        With this new midi functions I see you can select bank, rythm and sound with bank/prog change messages. there is a way to change Bpm?
        I want to use this app in live gig: I play with my keyboard piano and bass line with a singer, and I want to use soft drummer in background in my ipad (in foreground i have set list maker with chords and lyrics). I’m interested, when I change the song in set list maker (or also imidipatchbay) that sending to soft drummer bank/prog change it selects , as well as bank, rythm and sound, a precise bpm for the song I have just load.
        maybe I can do this syncing timing clock, but is there a way to change bpm with bank/prog change message?

  14. bleep Avatar

    Thanks for this MIDI information (not available in the app?).

    It would be great to be able to control the jam intensity (and maybe ghost intensity) with MIDI CC values, for jamming with other apps that also support some jam parameter.

  15. Linh Avatar

    I purchased the soft drummer app and I really love it. However, it would be the best drum app if it had reggae rhythms. Please add some reggae rhythms or create a new app “Reggae drummer”. I think a lot of people would agree 🙂

  16. marc_a2z Avatar

    excellent sounding drum machine!
    one of the main reason of purchasing this product was the fill and verse change. gives you the option to call verse and fill at a push of a button.

    can you please publish a manual or step by step instruction on how to connect to a midi source. i am using irig blueboard and it doesnt respond to any of the midi signals.

  17. Jim Avatar

    Great sounding apps! I’m wondering how to properly setup SD and FD using the IAA feature. I can find the apps in Auria and insert them, but when I push record it seems to cutoff part of the track (specifically the beginning). This happens every time and I’ve yet to understand how to import a groove seamlessly.
    Also, would you mind briefly explaining how to change time sig? I see the edit window in ‘new groove’, but if I’m setting up for something in 3/4, how do I accomplish this?
    Thank you for your time and consideration. Greatly appreciated.

  18. Sergey Moraru Avatar
    Sergey Moraru

    Soft Drummer: when you press a couple of times on the Random option in standalone variant, the app crashes. The device is an iPhone SE. Thanks!

  19. Incognito Avatar

    Please allow midi note in/out in soft drummer
    Midi and audio export via wifi browser / audiocopy / audioshare


  20. Kurt von Hahn Avatar
    Kurt von Hahn

    Is there a basic PDF manual available for Soft Drummer?
    Many thanks!

  21. Stuart Paterson Avatar
    Stuart Paterson

    This app really needs a manual. It’s intuitive, but lacks detailed information on how to operate. Please publish soon! It’s quite expensive, so users need info.

  22. Marco Cremaschini Avatar
    Marco Cremaschini

    Good sound, I’m using it with Ipad 4gen and It’s very useful.
    But there is a problem in song mode, sometimes the song is not saved properly, the tempo remain at zero and the app crashes. When I reopen it the titol of the song remain on the menu and I can’t delete anything.
    Any solution?

    Thanks, Marco

  23. Martin D Avatar
    Martin D

    Great app and working well for me synced from QantiLoop. Struggling to understand Edit sub window and it’s use of coloring to select what? Also not clear whether there is a way to trigger a sound other than on a quarter beat. Probably I just need to a bit more careful listening, but a few guiding words or ‘the manual’ (oops – a bad word) would go a long way. Thanks in advance.

  24. Martin D Avatar
    Martin D

    OK, I take the quarter note comment back. Sorry, I must have been sleeping last time I experimented. These are 16th notes. Could even change 4 of them to 3 per beat, but could not repeat this. What’s the trick?
    Also, how can get the link symbol between Rhythm and Sound selection back once it is removed.
    Curious about many Rhythms or Sound combos I can add or have total in a bank?
    Still confused about colors. Red triggers holding the sound, i.e., for brushes? What’s the difference between the 2 greys?

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