Afro Latin Drum Machine 2 is now available.

The best drum machine for latin percussions is now upgraded to v2.0 with the next improvements:

– Song Mode to create your song structure easily and quick.
– Jamming tool with the ability to improvise like human percussionists
– Randomizers for sounds and patterns to experiment and get new creative ideas.

These and more little things make Afro Latin Drum Machine an amazing music tool with this update. Take a look!

iOS Simulator Screen Shot 16.02.2015 17.42.11iOS Simulator Screen Shot 16.02.2015 17.48.03iOS Simulator Screen Shot 16.02.2015 17.48.32

2 responses to “Afro Latin Drum Machine 2 is now available.”

  1. get followers for instagram Avatar
  2. Don Avatar

    I purchase the “Afro Latin Drum Machine 2”. It’s pretty fantastic except for one glitch that’s driving me BONKOS! Works great until somebody calls me on the phone. It will silence itself for the phone call, but after the phone call I cannot get it to come back to life again. It blinks like it is playing, but no sound. It also does this on the iPad. The only way that I can get it to play the sound again is to reboot the iPad or iPhone. This is terribly frustrating.

    I really want to leave a 5 star rating for this app, but the glitch pulls it down to a two or three.

    Is there a fix for this?


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