iOS8 support updates for Rock Drum Machine, AfroLatin Drum Machine and SuperMetronome are ready

Due to some changes in Core Audio framework library of iOS 8 makes LumBeat drum machines not to work properly on this ios version. We ‘ve been working on it and all the apps are now ready for working with iOS8. You have to wait for Apple to approval to get the updates. It’s taking Apple more time than usual cause lot of apps are having similar issues with ios8. The updates will be available soon.

4 responses to “iOS8 support updates for Rock Drum Machine, AfroLatin Drum Machine and SuperMetronome are ready”

  1. Nelson Avatar

    I bought rock drum machine recently. I’m waiting for an update for iOS 8.02 It’s not working, but I’m enthused to hear it and buy some of your other apps. Any idea when the update will be out?

    1. lumbeat Avatar

      It will be available in the next few days

  2. Juan José Avatar
    Juan José

    First, I already bought you 3 Apps, but sometimes them stop suddenly. I usted not only to exercise, but play guitar along and singing with friends, so it is dissapointed that we lose the rythm, is there something wrong I could be doing? or that’ the way the Apps work?
    Are there tutorials to use the Apps?, if so please ley me know how to obtain them, as I am not really a musician pro.
    Thanks very much for your answer and support.
    J. J. Santos

    1. lumbeat Avatar


      Podrías indicar qué version de iOS estás utilizando, así como tu dispositivo ? Describe con detalle el error que obtienes para intentar ayudarte, o solucionar algún tipo de error.

      De momento no hay manual, pronto subiremos algunos pequeños videotutoriales. Si tienes alguna duda puedes preguntar por aquí o en Facebook.

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